Icon ElevateDB 2.34 Released

Posted by Tim Young on Fri, Mar 26 2021
ElevateDB 2.34 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions.

The following are the new features in 2.34:
  • The job scheduling and execution has been improved in order to deal with jobs that experience errors. There is now a TEDBEngine ServerJobRetries property that allows you to specify how many times a job that experiences an error/exception will be retried before the job is disabled. There is also an ElevateDB Server setting called Server Job Retries that allows you to specify the same job execution parameter. You can use the ENABLE JOB statement to re-enable a job after it was disabled due to errors.

  • You can now use functions (in addition to procedures) with the CALL statement.
ElevateDB 2.34 also contains a couple of bug fixes, which are detailed here.

Tags: ElevateDB, New ReleasesPermanent Link

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