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ElevateDB 2.10 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Sat, Sep 8 2012

ElevateDB 2.10 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions. You can view the release notes, including any breaking changes, on the download page before downloading.

The catalog format/version number is not changed in this release, so you can simply recompile your applications in order to deploy the improvements and fixes contained in the release.

Text Index Bug
This release corrects a serious bug with the text indexes in ElevateDB that has been present since ElevateDB was originally released. The following incident report describes the issue:

# 3606 Text Indexes Containing Words Longer than Word Length Can Experience Corruption

This bug affects any database table that contains text indexes, and must be corrected in any affected database table immediately after installing 2.10. The following script can be run against any database using 2.10 in order to repair the text indexes:

   DECLARE CatalogCursor SENSITIVE CURSOR FOR CatalogStatement;

   PREPARE CatalogStatement FROM 'SELECT * FROM Configuration.Databases WHERE Name=?';

   FETCH FIRST FROM CatalogCursor ('Path') INTO DBPath;



      PREPARE CatalogStatement FROM 'SELECT DISTINCT(TableName) FROM Information.Indexes
                                     WHERE Type=?
                                     ORDER BY TableName';
      OPEN CatalogCursor USING 'Text Index';
      SET LOG MESSAGE TO '*** Repair of text indexes in database '+CURRENT_DATABASE()+
                         ' started on '+CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS VARCHAR);
      FETCH FIRST FROM CatalogCursor ('TableName') INTO TableName;
         SET STATUS MESSAGE TO 'Repairing text indexes for table '+TableName;
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DELETE FILE '+QUOTEDSTR(TableName+'.EDBIdx','"')+' FROM STORE __RepairTextIndexes';
         FETCH NEXT FROM CatalogCursor ('TableName') INTO TableName;
         SET PROGRESS TO TRUNC((CurrentTable/ROWCOUNT(CatalogCursor))*100);
         SET CurrentTable=CurrentTable+1;
      END WHILE;


   SET LOG MESSAGE TO '*** Repair of text indexes in database '+CURRENT_DATABASE()+
                      ' completed on '+CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS VARCHAR);


Warning A simple repair of the affected tables is not sufficient since the repair functionality in ElevateDB will not be able to cope with the shifted index key values in all cases. This is why the above script deletes the actual index file for the table before attempting to repair the indexes. If you are using a custom index file extension in your installations, please change the reference to '.EDBIdx' in the above script so that it matches the custom index file extension that you are using.

We sincerely apologize for this problem, and hope that it is not too disruptive for you or your customers.

Tags: ElevateDB, New ReleasesPermanent Link1 Comments

Elevate Web Builder Version 1 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Tue, Aug 21 2012

We are very pleased to announce that the much-delayed Elevate Web Builder version 1 is now available for purchase and download. To find out more information on Elevate Web Builder, please visit the following link:

Elevate Web Builder Product Information

We are offering a special introductory price of $159 US until September 21, 2012. Just be sure to select the INTRO special offer code when adding the Elevate Web Builder product to your cart to receive the introductory pricing. Please use the following link to order Elevate Web Builder:

Order Elevate Web Builder

Special promotional pricing is also now available for the ElevateDB PHP Extension for customers that wish to use ElevateDB with PHP in their web server applications with Elevate Web Builder. Just be sure to select the EWB-EDBPHP special offer code when adding the ElevateDB PHP Extension product to your cart to receive a 50% discount off the normal price of the product. Please use the following link to order the ElevateDB PHP Extension:

Order ElevateDB PHP Extension

We would like to thank everyone that ordered the pre-release of Elevate Web Builder for their patience and support during a very long development cycle. After the initial announcement of the product last fall, some fairly significant, but necessary, feature requirements were added to the remaining development work. This resulted in repeated delays in the release date, but we think that the end result was worth the wait.

If you ordered the pre-release version of Elevate Web Builder, your order date was adjusted to August 20, 2012 so that you receive the full year of support from the actual release date of Elevate Web Builder. Your support plan for Elevate Web Builder that is included with the purchase will not expire until August 21, 2013.

After this initial release, we are planning on adding new features rather rapidly, especially new visual components/features, code editor improvements, and expanded database support in the DataSet Manager in the IDE. We will also be making improvements to ElevateDB to add specific Elevate Web Builder support for the PHP Extension and a built-in web server addition to the ElevateDB Server. The general idea is to offer a complete front-end and back-end web development platform for ISVs that can be easily deployed and offer the widest range of capabilities to the your users and customers.

Tags: Elevate Web Builder, New ReleasesPermanent Link0 Comments

DBISAM 4.33 Build 4 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Wed, Jul 25 2012

DBISAM 4.33 Build 4 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions. This build contains several bug fixes, which are detailed here.

Tags: DBISAM, New BuildsPermanent Link1 Comments

ElevateDB 2.09 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Mon, Jul 23 2012

ElevateDB 2.09 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions. You can view the release notes, including any breaking changes, on the download page before downloading.

The catalog format/version number is not changed in this release, so you can simply recompile your applications in order to deploy the improvements and fixes contained in the release.

Tags: ElevateDB, New ReleasesPermanent Link0 Comments

DBISAM 4.33 Build 3 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Thu, Jul 12 2012

DBISAM 4.33 Build 3 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions. This build contains bug fixes for one incident report, which is detailed here.

Tags: DBISAM, New BuildsPermanent Link1 Comments

DBISAM 4.33 Build 2 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Fri, Jul 6 2012

DBISAM 4.33 Build 2 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions. This build contains bug fixes for several incident reports, which are detailed here.

This build corrects two major issues with the 64-bit version of the DBISAM Database Server, and one minor issue with the DBISAM SQL execution.

Tags: DBISAM, New BuildsPermanent Link0 Comments

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