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DBISAM 4.30 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Thu, Oct 7 2010

DBISAM 4.30 is now available for download. If you're an existing customer, then you should be receiving an email shortly with download instructions.

DBISAM 4.30 introduces support for Delphi XE.

Tags: DBISAM, New ReleasesPermanent Link2 Comments

ElevateDB 2.04 Build 4 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Mon, Oct 4 2010

ElevateDB 2.04 Build 4 is now available for download. This build contains bug fixes for several incident reports, which are detailed here.

2.04 Build 4 Breaking Changes
There are two breaking changes in 2.04 Build 4 for the .NET Data Provider:
  • EDBCommand ParamCheck Property
    The EDBCommand ParamCheck property previously defaulted to True, meaning that parameters were automatically created for any command text (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement) that was assigned to the CommandText property. This caused issues with table adapters and the parameter creation within the Visual Studio IDE, so the ParamCheck property now defaults to False.

  • EDBCommand UpdatedRowSource Property
    The EDBCommand UpdatedRowSource property previously defaulted to Both, and now defaults to None. Again, this is due to some issues with the table adapter code generation in the Visual Studio IDE.

Tags: ElevateDB, New BuildsPermanent Link0 Comments

2010 CodeRage 5 Online Developer Conference
Posted by Sam Young on Fri, Oct 1 2010


Elevate Software will be offering discounts on all ElevateDB VCL products for participants of the 2010 CodeRage 5 Online Developer Conference, to be held October 4 thru October 8, 2010.

ElevateDB VCL Standard and VCL Standard with Source Code will be discounted 15%, and ElevateDB VCL Client-Server and Client-Server with Source Code will be discounted 20% for conference attendees.

Please contact me via email if you have any questions regarding these discounts.

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ElevateDB 2.03 Build 22 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Thu, Sep 30 2010

ElevateDB 2.03 Build 22 is now available for download. This build contains bug fixes for several incident reports, which are detailed here.

Information We will not be sending out build notifications for this build, so this is the only notification that is available for this build.

Tags: ElevateDB, New BuildsPermanent Link0 Comments

Update on What We're Working On
Posted by Tim Young on Wed, Sep 29 2010

I just wanted to take a moment and give everyone a status update on both DBISAM and ElevateDB, especially in light of our server hard drive failure earlier in the month of September (see here). Things are finally getting back in order, and we'll be rolling out some new builds over the new week.
  • ElevateDB 2.04 Build 3 was released today, and includes Delphi XE support as well as some necessary bug fixes.

  • ElevateDB 2.03 Build 22 will be released in the next couple of days, and will include some necessary bug fixes. It will not, however, include Delphi XE support.

  • DBISAM 4.30 will be released in the next couple of weeks, and will include a few bug fixes and Delphi XE support.

  • A new ElevateDB 2.04 PHP extension for Windows will be made available in the next week. The extension consists of a single 1.5MB DLL that contains the entire ElevateDB engine and a standard API for connection, command, and cursor management. This means that you can use it as a complete multi-user database engine on any web site that uses PHP by simply copying it into the PHP extension folder. The best part is that it will be available as a promotional free download for 30 days, so be sure to tell your friends.
After these items are complete, we'll be working on taking ElevateDB to the next level with some new advanced features such as nested transactions, so keep checking in for more information as these features are released.

Tags: ElevateDB, DBISAMPermanent Link0 Comments

ElevateDB 2.04 Build 3 Released
Posted by Tim Young on Wed, Sep 29 2010

ElevateDB 2.04 Build 3 is now available for download. This build introduces support for the new Embarcadero Delphi XE product line. It also contains bug fixes for several incident reports, which are detailed here.

2.04 B3 Configuration Fix
There is an issue with the streaming of locking information for any modules created using the CREATE MODULE statement with 2.04 Build 1 or 2. This issue is detailed here:

# 3313 Configuration Not Properly Saving Locking Information for Created Modules

If you have created any modules using the CREATE MODULE statement with 2.04 Build 1 or 2, including any migrator modules auto-created for you using the ElevateDB Manager's Create Database Migrators option, then you must run a utility to fix the configuration where the module information is stored. This utility is called edbfix204config.exe and is a command-line application located in the:


subdirectory under the main installation directory for the ANSI utility, and in the:


subdirectory for the Unicode utility.

To run this utility, open a command prompt under Windows and type in the utility name followed by a space and the path of the configuration file that you wish to fix. For example, if you want to fix the configuration file in the c:\myapplication directory, you can do so by using the following command:

<InstallDir>\utils\edbfix204config c:\myapplication

The most important parameter to the utility is the configuration path, but there are also other parameters for configurations that use non-standard encryption passwords, signatures, extensions, etc. You can find out the order of these parameters by executing the utility without any parameters specified, which will result in the utility outputting a description of the various parameters to the command window.

If the configuration file is fixed successfully, then a copy of the original configuration file will be saved in the same configuration path with an extension of .old. If any errors are encountered during the execution of the utility, the error will be output to the command window and the utility will terminate with an exit code of 1.

Tags: ElevateDB, New BuildsPermanent Link0 Comments

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