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Thread DBISAM3 to EDB - problem with AUTOINC to GENERATED IDENTITY columns
Mon, Dec 16 2013 4:47 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> Here is a sample project.  When Roy asked, I groaned thinking of how to trim the project down (and how I had done so in the past taking many hours) but then decided to go the whole hog and build a little project from scratch.
> The little project is attached - this is the first time I have "deployed" any EDB project so I'm not sure if I have given you all that is required.
> Attached is a reverse engineered table and the source of the project that shows the problem.

I just set up everything and tried it - no problems. All records are
inserted without error.

Though I converted your project to ANSI.

When I've some time left later, I'll install it as Unicode - let's see
if that'll make a difference.

Mon, Dec 16 2013 5:33 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Here is a sample project. When Roy asked, I groaned thinking of how to trim the project down (and how I had done so in the past taking many hours) but then decided to go the whole hog and build a little project from scratch.
>The little project is attached - this is the first time I have "deployed" any EDB project so I'm not sure if I have given you all that is required.
>Attached is a reverse engineered table and the source of the project that shows the problem.

Goodie - since Uli has tried it in ANSI and its fine I don't have to try Smiley

I also don't have unicode so can't try that.

So far we have

1. works in EDBManager, ANSI and (I assume) UNICODE
2. works in Delphi in ANSI
3. Doesn't work in Delphi in UNICODE (currently unconfirmed)
4. Your test project if it bombs using UNICODE at your end doesn't have anything visible (to me) that can cause the problem.

At this point I think peer support has almost reached its limits. The only thing that we can still do is for someone with Unicode to confirm your project bombs.

If it does I think you need to report to Tim, if not you need to examine your environment.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Mon, Dec 16 2013 5:36 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


ok, I switched to the Unicode version (2.13) and tried your project.

Result: Error when trying to insert a record.

What I did now:

1. Remove all persistent fields: no error
2. Recreate all persistend fields: no error
3. Compare the persistent field with the recreated ones:
Your fields: "Required" is checked on all fields = "not null"
My fields: "Required" is not checked at all

So remove the "Required" checks of all fields in your table component
and your projekt will run.

Though I can't tell you why, and as well can't tell you, why this
problem only occurs with the Unicode version.
I'd suggest to open a support ticket.

Mon, Dec 16 2013 6:12 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>What I did now:
>1. Remove all persistent fields: no error
>2. Recreate all persistend fields: no error
>3. Compare the persistent field with the recreated ones:
>Your fields: "Required" is checked on all fields = "not null"
>My fields: "Required" is not checked at all
>So remove the "Required" checks of all fields in your table component
>and your projekt will run.

The Required flag is Delphi's internal way of saying NOT NULL, by removing that you've removed the requirement AT DELPHI LEVEL to check that a field isn't null before posting.  I don't know what it means in terms of TDataset and actual data flow.

Since you say this doesn't occur in the ANSI version it would suggest that a change was made in Delphi at some point. It also prompts a question for Jeff - how did he create the persistent fields?

>Though I can't tell you why, and as well can't tell you, why this
>problem only occurs with the Unicode version.
>I'd suggest to open a support ticket.

I agree with the conclusion. Tim needs to be involved.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Mon, Dec 16 2013 7:55 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< ------------------------------------------------
BUT in EDB I get this error message:-

Project apm.exe raised exception class EDatabaseError with message 'Field
'AttachmentID' must have a value'. >>

That's a TDataSet-level "required field" error message, which means that the
TField.Required property is set to True.  Did you perhaps set that property
to True at design-time/run-time ?  ElevateDB won't do this for required
fields, it always leaves that property alone in order to avoid such issues.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Dec 16 2013 7:58 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Though I can't tell you why, and as well can't tell you, why this problem
only occurs with the Unicode version. >>

I don't think it does - I think the Required property was probably just
toggled on at design-time for that TField.

As I noted in my reply to Jeff, EDB doesn't set this property.  In fact, it
specifically turns it off in the TFieldDefs in order to prevent the
TField.Required property from inheriting it:


procedure TEDBDataSet.AddColumnFieldDef(ColumnPosition: Integer;
                                       Column: TEDBCursorColumn);


           TempFieldDef.Required:=False;  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Here
           if SourceColumn.ReadOnly then
           {$IFNDEF FPC}

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Mon, Dec 16 2013 8:29 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>That's a TDataSet-level "required field" error message, which means that the
>TField.Required property is set to True. Did you perhaps set that property
>to True at design-time/run-time ? ElevateDB won't do this for required
>fields, it always leaves that property alone in order to avoid such issues.

I normally just double-click the table and press ctrl-F to get the persistent fields and in D2006 I don't get Required set to true. That's why I asked Jeff how he set them.

The puzzling part is that the demo Jeff sent, when converted to ANSI by Uli works, and since he never said anything about it I assume that Required was still set to true as Jeff sent it.

Tue, Dec 17 2013 8:48 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker

Hi to all,

> << Though I can't tell you why, and as well can't tell you, why this
> problem only occurs with the Unicode version. >>
> I don't think it does - I think the Required property was probably just
> toggled on at design-time for that TField.

Tim is right - I have to correct myself.

Since the field definitions didn't macht (Ansistring vs. Widestring) I
deleted the fields and recreated them.
That's why the required property was not set in the ANSI version.

Sorry about the confusion.

Tue, Dec 17 2013 8:50 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker


> The puzzling part is that the demo Jeff sent, when converted to ANSI by Uli works, and since he never said anything about it I assume that Required was still set to true as Jeff sent it.

Please see my answer to Tim's post - it doesn't work with the
ANSI-version either.

Tue, Dec 17 2013 9:13 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Since the field definitions didn't macht (Ansistring vs. Widestring) I
>deleted the fields and recreated them.
>That's why the required property was not set in the ANSI version.

That would explain it your part in it Smiley Now all we have to find out is why Jeff got Required in there to start with.

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