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Thread Login dialog in Windows 10
Thu, Feb 23 2017 7:15 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>My configuration file WAS in the C:\Users\Public folder but it was "created" by the application but without the pertinent user and other data. I had forgotten to include the configuration files from my development computer (located in the C:\Users\Public folder) in the installation.

Been there, done that, forgot all about it Smiley

Thu, Feb 23 2017 7:31 AMPermanent Link

Jan Ferguson

Data Software Solutions, Inc.

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I like yours as well. Mine looks like this... (I never usually include local session information since I almost entirely use C/S sessions, so I probably could clean this up and eliminate the duplicate opening of tables, etc. but I just copied and pasted the code for the ease of making a version quickly for my friend.)

procedure TdmMedical.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
var RemoteAddress: String;
   RemotePort: String;
   RemoteHost: String;
   SessionType: String;
   RemoteDataDirectory: String;
   DataDirectory: String;
   DatabaseApplication: String;
   FileName: String;
EDBEngine.Active := False;
FileName := 'NetConfig.ini';
if FileExists(FileName) then
   with ConfigIni do
     DatabaseApplication := ReadString('Configuration','DatabaseApplication','DatabaseApplication');
     RemoteAddress := ReadString('Configuration','RemoteAddress','RemoteAddress');
     RemotePort := ReadString('Configuration','RemotePort','RemotePort');
     RemoteHost := ReadString('Configuration','RemoteHost','RemoteHost');
     SessionType := ReadString('Configuration','SessionType','SessionType');
     RemoteDataDirectory := ReadString('Configuration','RemoteDataDirectory','RemoteDataDirectory');
     DataDirectory := ReadString('Configuration','DataDirectory','DataDirectory');
   if SessionType = 'Remote' then
     dsMedical.RemoteAddress := RemoteAddress;
     dsMedical.RemotePort := StrToInt(RemotePort);
     dsMedical.RemoteHost := RemoteHost;
     dbMedical.Database := DatabaseApplication;
         dsMedical.Connected := True;      //Connect remote session
         dbMedical.Connected := True;      //Connect remote database
         tblBills.Active := True;
         tblPatient.Active := True;
         tblPayType.Active := True;
         tblProvider.Active := True;
         tblType.Active := True;
         tblConfigure.Active := True;
         tblAGI.Active := True;
         tblReportBills.Active := True;
           MessageDlg('Cannot connect to the Server! This might be caused by one of the following reasons:' +
           #10#13#10#13 + '1. Your network connection is not active' +
           #10#13 + '2. The server is undergoing maintenance updates' +
           #10#13 + '3. The server is not accepting new connections in preparation for maintenance updates' +
           #10#13 + '4. You have changed the network settings incorrectly in the configuration file' +
           #10#13#10#13 + 'Please try again in 15-30 minutes. If your network connection is active '+
                     'and you still cannot connect to Medical, please notify your System Administrator ' +
                     'or Database Administrator.', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
   end else
       if SessionType = 'Local' then
         dsMedical.SessionType := stLocal;
         EDBEngine.UseLocalSessionEngineSettings := True;
         dsMedical.LocalConfigPath := 'C:\Users\Public\';
         dsMedical.LoginUser := 'XXXX';
         dsMedical.LoginPassword := 'XXXX';
         dbMedical.Database := DatabaseApplication;
             dsMedical.Connected := True;
             dbMedical.Connected := True;
             tblBills.Active := True;
             tblPatient.Active := True;
             tblPayType.Active := True;
             tblProvider.Active := True;
             tblType.Active := True;
             tblConfigure.Active := True;
             tblAGI.Active := True;
             tblReportBills.Active := True;
               MessageDlg('Cannot connect to the Server! Please notify your System Administrator ' +
                         'or Database Administrator.', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0);
Thu, Feb 23 2017 8:40 AMPermanent Link

Fernando Dias

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I'm glad you have found it, and hey... don't feel like that - after all "the devil is in the details", most of the times the simple ones Smiley

Fernando Dias
[Team Elevate]
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