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Thread Script help needed please..
Thu, Sep 27 2018 11:58 PMPermanent Link

Ian Branch


If anybody is interested, this is the code I used to export the Query (tqParts).

procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 Stream: TFileStream;
 i, iCount: Integer;
 OutLine: Ansistring;
 sTemp: Ansistring;
 iCount := 0;
 Stream := TFileStream.Create('.\MYOBPartsExport.txt', fmCreate);
   while not tqParts.Eof do
     // You'll need to add your special handling here where OutLine is built
     OutLine := '';
     for i := 0 to tqParts.FieldCount - 1 do
       sTemp := tqParts.Fields[i].AsString;
       // Special handling to sTemp here
       sTemp := StringReplace(sTemp, ',', '-', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
       OutLine := OutLine + sTemp + ',';
     // Remove final unnecessary ','
     SetLength(OutLine, Length(OutLine) - 1);
     // Write line to file
     Stream.Write(OutLine[1], Length(OutLine) * SizeOf(AnsiChar));
     // Write line ending
     Stream.Write(sLineBreak, Length(sLineBreak));
   Stream.Free; // Saves the file
 Panel2.Caption := 'Processing Completed..';
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