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Thread DAC provider fails to register in Framework64
Wed, Sep 23 2009 8:50 PMPermanent Link

Jan-Erik Johansen

I installed the new DAC provider and it did not register in FrameworkX64's machine.config <DbProviderFactories>
It does register in Framework machine.config

I've been using 2.08 due to issues I reported earlier but thought I'd give 2.3.1 a try Wink

Well, due to the changes in the catalog in 2.3 I'll have to ask, can I revert to 2.08 by using EDB's backup/restore or is there no way back?

Thu, Sep 24 2009 1:49 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I installed the new DAC provider and it did not register in
FrameworkX64's machine.config <DbProviderFactories>
It does register in Framework machine.config >>

See here about using it with 64-bit machines:


I'll see about getting the 64-bit registration added, but for now just
manually add the same entry for the <DbProviderFactories> section along with
these entries:

   <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
       <assemblyIdentity name="Elevate.ElevateDB.VisualStudio"
publicKeyToken="009e2f3c00f33fa3" />
       <codeBase version=""
       <assemblyIdentity name="Elevate.ElevateDB.Data"
publicKeyToken="cf9bc1202c75e9e2" />
       <codeBase version=""

The version numbers and paths will be different, so just copy whatever
exists in the machine.config over and you'll be all set.

<< I've been using 2.08 due to issues I reported earlier but thought I'd
give 2.3.1 a try Wink>>

Yes, and I'm still waiting on some further information:

"I'll prepare something with the necessary tables and queries within a few
days. Depending on the size, you'll probably have to download it from one of
my webservers. (I'll get back to you on the details)"


<< Well, due to the changes in the catalog in 2.3 I'll have to ask, can I
revert to 2.08 by using EDB's backup/restore or is there no way back? >>

Did you execute any DDL SQL statements that modify the database catalog
(CREATE, ALTER, DROP) ?  If not, then you don't have any worries and can
still use the same catalog with 2.02.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Thu, Sep 24 2009 3:16 PMPermanent Link

Jan-Erik Johansen

I made the necessary modifications to machine.config when I installed, I just wanted to make you aware of the issue.

About the other issue, I've just been to busy and 2.2.8 was working just fine.
I've been using the latest releases except for the DAC, but as the catalog changed with 2.3 I've decided to give it a try.
I'll prepare something if the problem shows up.

I haven't deployed 2.3 on the production server yet, I'm just doing some test on the development VM.
So, if I install the EDBServer and the new assembly on the production server and don't do any DDL changes I can revert to 2.2.8?

Thu, Sep 24 2009 7:45 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I made the necessary modifications to machine.config when I installed, I
just wanted to make you aware of the issue. >>

Oops, sorry. Smiley

<< About the other issue, I've just been to busy and 2.2.8 was working just
fine. I've been using the latest releases except for the DAC, but as the
catalog changed with 2.3 I've decided to give it a try. I'll prepare
something if the problem shows up. >>

Thanks.  It's a puzzler because nobody else is reporting any memory
consumption issues with the EDB Server, nor can I find anything here that is
not right.

<< I haven't deployed 2.3 on the production server yet, I'm just doing some
test on the development VM. So, if I install the EDBServer and the new
assembly on the production server and don't do any DDL changes I can revert
to 2.2.8? >>


Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Sep 29 2009 6:49 PMPermanent Link

Jan-Erik Johansen

<<Thanks.  It's a puzzler because nobody else is reporting any memory
consumption issues with the EDB Server, nor can I find anything here that is
not right.>>

2.3 didn't make any difference, it's still "eating" memory.

I've prepared a small VS2008 project + ~295MB of data.
I'll email you the details tomorrow.

Tue, Sep 29 2009 8:07 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< 2.3 didn't make any difference, it's still "eating" memory.

I've prepared a small VS2008 project + ~295MB of data. I'll email you the
details tomorrow. >>

Cool, thanks.  As soon as I know what's going on, I'll issue a fix (if

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Sep 30 2009 10:00 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I've prepared a small VS2008 project + ~295MB of data. I'll email you the
details tomorrow. >>

Thanks, I've fixed the problem and a fix will be available tomorrow.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Wed, Sep 30 2009 10:09 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


BTW, with the amount of rapid-fire connects/disconnects that are taking
place with the EDB Server, you may want to consider turning off the logging
of informational events (connects/logins/disconnects) and only log warnings
and errors.  It will speed things up a bit.

You can do so via the EDB Server interface (Edit Server
Options/Configuration/Logging), or in the edbsrvr.ini file here:

Log Information Events=0


Tim Young
Elevate Software

Thu, Oct 1 2009 4:03 AMPermanent Link

Jan-Erik Johansen


<<BTW, with the amount of rapid-fire connects/disconnects that are taking
place with the EDB Server, you may want to consider turning off the logging
of informational events (connects/logins/disconnects) and only log warnings
and errors.  It will speed things up a bit.>>

Thanks for the advice, I'll make that change to the web server today.

What about the "Server Thread Cache Size"?
Specifies the number of threads that the ElevateDB Server should actively cache for connections. When a thread is terminated in the server it will be added
to this thread cache until the number of threads cached reaches this value. This allows the ElevateDB Server to re-use the threads from the cache instead
of having to constantly create/destroy the threads as needed, which can improve the performance of the ElevateDB Server if there are many connections
and disconnections occurring. The default value is 10.

Would I benefit from increasing the default value?

Thu, Oct 1 2009 12:33 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Would I benefit from increasing the default value? >>

How many concurrent clients do you expect at peak time ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

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