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Thread HTML Viewer
Fri, Mar 5 2010 6:53 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate

For those who don't read the Embarcadero groups

Pete Below posted this when someone was asking about html labels
There is already a port on googlecode, see

Brilliant component and now being maintained again

Roy Lambert

Sun, Apr 4 2010 2:07 PMPermanent Link

Neil Huhta


  How do you access the component ??? I finally found the source area but
you have to download each file individually. There must be a better way to
do it. Do you have any other information ???

Thank you.

Neil Huhta

"Roy Lambert" <roy.lambert@skynet.co.uk> wrote in message
> For those who don't read the Embarcadero groups
> Pete Below posted this when someone was asking about html labels
> There is already a port on googlecode, see
> http://code.google.com/p/thtmlviewer/
> Brilliant component and now being maintained again
> Roy Lambert

Sun, Apr 4 2010 6:08 PMPermanent Link

Walter Matte

Tactical Business Corporation

"huhtaman" wrote:

 How do you access the component ??? I finally found the source area but
you have to download each file individually. There must be a better way to
do it. Do you have any other information ???

From the Source Tab - it tells you how.  You need svn Subversion Source Control.  You can download TortoiseSVN for free and it integrates right into the explorer shell.

# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://thtmlviewer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ thtmlviewer-read-only

You can also find it here along with a number of other components upgraded to D2009/D2010:

