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Thread Modified TEDBTable for RTrim & null behaviour
Sat, Jul 26 2008 9:39 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate

unit nlhTable;


SysUtils, Classes, DB, edbcomps;

TnlhTable = class(TEDBTable)
   { Private declarations }
 FRTrimStrings: boolean;
 FNullEmptyStrings: boolean;
   { Protected declarations }
 procedure InternalPost; override;
   { Public declarations }
 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
   { Published declarations }
 property RTrimStrings: boolean read FRTrimStrings write FRTrimStrings;
 property NullEmptyStrings: boolean read FNullEmptyStrings write FNullEmptyStrings;

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
RegisterComponents('ElevateDB', [TnlhTable]);

{ TnlhTable }

constructor TnlhTable.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
FRTrimStrings := True;
FNullEmptyStrings := True;

procedure TnlhTable.InternalPost;
Cntr: integer;
Interim: string;
if FRTrimStrings or FNullEmptyStrings then begin
 for Cntr := 0 to Fields.Count - 1 do begin
  if Fields[Cntr].DataType in [ftString, ftMemo, ftFmtMemo] then begin
   if not Fields[Cntr].IsNull then begin
    if FRTrimStrings then Interim := TrimRight(Fields[Cntr].AsString);
    if FNullEmptyStrings then if Interim = '' then Fields[Cntr].Clear else Fields[Cntr].AsString := Interim;
  end else if Fields[Cntr].DataType in [ftBlob, ftGraphic] then begin
   if (not Fields[Cntr].IsNull) and FNullEmptyStrings and (Fields[Cntr].AsString = '') then Fields[Cntr].Clear;


Roy Lambert
Sat, Jul 26 2008 2:50 PMPermanent Link

Heiko Knuettel

a bit OT, but I just wanted to thank you for being here. Yor constant questioning of
"given" things, and your habit of stumbling into the quite the same trouble than me, is
really an inspiration and a valuable source of information to me, and already saved me a
lot of time. Just, as I mentioned, thanks for that.

Sun, Jul 27 2008 4:18 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


You're welcome. It would be nice if a few more would question things / complain about things. Sometimes it appears as though I have a personal vendetta against Tim (not true, my vendetta is against the parts of the sql standard that don't make sense to me) and it would be nice if a few more voiced their opinions.

As Tim has pointed out on more than one occasion when its only me asking for a particular behaviour it goes to the bottom of the pile at best. If a lot of his customers/potential customers ask for it there's a good chance of it happening.

Roy Lambert
Sun, Jul 27 2008 4:31 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I thought it best that I add a bit more to

<<my vendetta is against the parts of the sql standard that don't make sense to me>>

and that no one can explain without basically saying "because its the standard"

Roy Lambert
Mon, Jul 28 2008 5:09 AMPermanent Link

"Enrico Ghezzi"
very very tnx Smile
Mon, Jul 28 2008 4:06 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< As Tim has pointed out on more than one occasion when its only me asking
for a particular behaviour it goes to the bottom of the pile at best. >>

That's simply not true.  I have implemented a *lot* of enhancement requests
for you.  In fact, the only ones that I haven't implemented have been
requests that are design/standard issues, or requests that I simply haven't
gotten to yet (see below).

I keep every single request and revisit them for every minor release.  I
print them out when they are requested and keep them at my right-hand side
at all times.  I still have requests from DBISAM 2.x in my folder.  The
reality is that I cannot do everything at once, so I have to prioritize
things so that they fit both the design of the product and where we want to
take the product.  The first 4 requests in my pile are:

Roy Lambert - List session/database objects with right-click menu - Dec 15,
Roy Lambert - Reverse-engineer tables - Jan 28, 2007
Roy Lambert - Script debugger - Jan 23, 2008
Roy Lambert - CREATE TABLE LIKE INCLUDING extensions - Jan 1, 2008

And again, the reason that these aren't done yet is because there is a)
another way to do the same thing already, or b) the functionality is
considered "nice to have" but not 100% crucial compared to things like new
platform support.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Jul 29 2008 8:00 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


><< As Tim has pointed out on more than one occasion when its only me asking
>for a particular behaviour it goes to the bottom of the pile at best. >>

I apologise if I've given the wrong impression here. The point I was making is that a request from 100 people has more chance of getting actioned than one person ie it was the "only" rather then the "me" that was important.

>That's simply not true. I have implemented a *lot* of enhancement requests
>for you. In fact, the only ones that I haven't implemented have been
>requests that are design/standard issues, or requests that I simply haven't
>gotten to yet (see below).
>I keep every single request and revisit them for every minor release. I
>print them out when they are requested and keep them at my right-hand side
>at all times. I still have requests from DBISAM 2.x in my folder. The
>reality is that I cannot do everything at once, so I have to prioritize
>things so that they fit both the design of the product and where we want to
>take the product.

I agree. Mind you I'm not sure about the mentality of someone keeping enhancements requests for DBISAM V2 <vbg>

>The first 4 requests in my pile are:
>Roy Lambert - List session/database objects with right-click menu - Dec 15,
>Roy Lambert - Reverse-engineer tables - Jan 28, 2007
>Roy Lambert - Script debugger - Jan 23, 2008
>Roy Lambert - CREATE TABLE LIKE INCLUDING extensions - Jan 1, 2008

Either you've got a good memory or there's a bit more written down than just this Smiley

Roy Lambert
Tue, Jul 29 2008 8:09 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I apologise if I've given the wrong impression here. The point I was
making is that a request from 100 people has more chance of getting actioned
than one person ie it was the "only" rather then the "me" that was
important. >>

No need to apologize.  Your statements could be taken two different ways,
and I was just making sure that it be known that I was not ignoring your
requests in any way, shape, or form.

<< I agree. Mind you I'm not sure about the mentality of someone keeping
enhancements requests for DBISAM V2 <vbg> >>

Actually, some of the oldest requests were actually implemented in EDB since
they were waiting on a design that could actually accomodate them.  This was
especially true with the EDB Manager.

<< Either you've got a good memory or there's a bit more written down than
just this Smiley>>

Absolutely.  I have the actual newsgroup posting and/or emails printed out.
There's no way I could remember all of that.  I can't even remember what
somebody told me yesterday. Smiley

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, Jul 29 2008 5:39 PMPermanent Link

"David Cornelius"
> It would be nice if a few more would question things / complain about
> things.

Maybe no one else has as many complaints or questions?  I agree with the SQL
standard and understand the reasons behind the limitations and priorities.
I like the EDB Manager (but have given a few suggestions).  I spend lots of
time reading documentation and other people's newsgroup postings before
putting out my own.  There have been many times that I had a post half
written, then thought of something else to check, found my answer, and
discarded my post.  The same goes for complaints: often I'll let the
composed message sit for a while and come back later and re-read it before
posting--sometimes I feel it's not post-worthy (I heavily questioned this

Right now, I'm learning all the ins and outs of stores and replication.
It's a pretty big chunk and I'm having a time getting getting around it and
applying it to the project I'm almost finished with.  But there's good
documentation and an excellent sample application--I know I'll get there.  I
could be asking questions and poking at why it was done this way or that,
but that's just a waste of everyone's time, in my opinion.

Mostly, I try not to recklessly post everything that comes to mind.
Frankly, I don't know how Tim keeps up with answering all the questions on
the newsgroups as thoroughly and thoughtfully as he does, plus keep putting
out the high quality products we see.  He surely must have several cloned
programmers helping him!  My part to help him is to RTFM! (and I'm preaching
to myself here!)

David Cornelius
Wed, Jul 30 2008 3:46 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>Maybe no one else has as many complaints or questions? I agree with the SQL
>standard and understand the reasons behind the limitations and priorities.

Are you talking Tim's or the SQL standards limitations and priorities? The mechanics of what's being implemented aren't the problem (apart from when I don't know them Smiley its the rational behind them in. Most of the explanations tend to justify behaviour within the definitions of the standard which is not what I've asked for. Remember when I asked for real examples of where emptystring <> null you were the only person to come up with anything.

Roy Lambert
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