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Thread huge blobs are slowing down paint in edb manager
Mon, Dec 7 2009 10:59 AMPermanent Link

"Lucian Radulescu"
Tim Young [Elevate Software] wrote:

> Explorer/Preferences/Data View/Grid Display/Uncheck Show BLOB Columns

Brrr, first time I unchecked the "Show BLOB Column Data" for the Task
Pane .....

Now, I have:

Show BLOB Column Data - checked
Autodetect BLOB images - unchecked
Show BLOB Columns - unchecked

I do get the "BLOB" text like DBSYS, grid paint speed is fine ....
unless you select a blob cell and than select another blob cell. Now
EDB freezes again in paint ... dunno why cuz it's not displaying BLOB
size. This is definitely a bug in EDB manager.

Not that I care much about it anyway (I'm still new to EDB and I am
doing a lot of testing using edb manager, this just doesn't give me a
good feeling, dunno about you)

Mon, Dec 7 2009 10:59 AMPermanent Link

"Lucian Radulescu"
Daniel Kram wrote:

> Why not do a SELECT from the table to see if it is empty or not.

I know how check if things bare empty or not, in *my* apps. I was just
signaling a possible problem in edb manager. Not sure about you guys
but if my apps would start freezing when simple painting a grid, I
guess I'd lose my job faster that grid refresh rate Smile

Mon, Dec 7 2009 11:02 AMPermanent Link

"Lucian Radulescu"
> I know how check if things bare empty or not .....

I don't know how that came out.
It could be the wine though, my keyboard's fine Smile

Mon, Dec 7 2009 11:16 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Out of interest how huge is huge, and what sort of data is in there?

Roy Lambert
Mon, Dec 7 2009 11:35 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Just been messing around and I think you're setting the wrong items. Looking at the checkbox captions you've quoted you've set stuff for the Task Pane (thats the bit on the left hand side after the treeview) not the Grid.

Its Show CLOB Columns and Show BLOB Columns that you need to uncheck.

I have about 60 records in my table that have a CLOB field > 1Mb and with Show CLOB Columns ticked I can see the first 60 characters but scrolling between them is dire. With Show CLOB Columns not ticked I get either CLOB indicating there's something there or NULL indicating there isn't and scrolling is fast.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Mon, Dec 7 2009 12:02 PMPermanent Link

"Lucian Radulescu"
> Out of interest how huge is huge, and what sort of data is in there?

well, not that huge ... blobs contain full executables, ranging from
few megs to about 20MB. tables are small, less than 10 fields each, max
2-3 varchar[260], only one stores the exes.

Mon, Dec 7 2009 12:15 PMPermanent Link

"Lucian Radulescu"
My blob is BLOB so I did not touch the CLOB thingee. I think I got it
now: when I uncheck "Show Column Data" paint is fast. But still
something is wrong: so, recap

-show column data - unchecked
-show blob column data - unchecked (and disabled)
-show blob columns - unchecked

From the last one, I would expect my blob column to be invisible(that's
"Grid display" all right; now, my English is bad, but not that bad I
hope) but it's not. (And yes, paint is fast in this combination.)

If Show Column Data is checked, one way or the other grid paint will
freeze when you browse the grid or move between blob cells.

Mon, Dec 7 2009 2:09 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Does that mean there's a bit of a positive side to my hated NULL <>
EmptyString thing? >>

Unfortunately, this is a case where the distinction is a negative becase
NULL <> Empty.  If NULL=Empty, then Lucian could just look at the NULL flag
to determine if the BLOB is empty.  However, with EDB (and the SQL
standard), a BLOB could be both non-NULL *and* empty.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Dec 8 2009 8:22 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


>My blob is BLOB so I did not touch the CLOB thingee. I think I got it
>now: when I uncheck "Show Column Data" paint is fast. But still
>something is wrong: so, recap
>-show column data - unchecked
>-show blob column data - unchecked (and disabled)
>-show blob columns - unchecked
>From the last one, I would expect my blob column to be invisible(that's
>"Grid display" all right; now, my English is bad, but not that bad I
>hope) but it's not. (And yes, paint is fast in this combination.)

The column isn't invisible EDBManager just doesn't bother trying to show the contents, All it will show is CLOB/BLOB (depending on column type) if there's something there or NULL is there isn't.

>If Show Column Data is checked, one way or the other grid paint will
>freeze when you browse the grid or move between blob cells.

I think part of your confusion is the different areas of EDBManager. Left to right there are three:

1. the treeview
2. the task pane
3. the grid / other display.

The BLOB/CLOB preferences relate to areas 2 and 3.

On the task pane there is a box headed Column Details and it is this that Show Column Data, Show CLOB Column Data, Max CLOB Character Count, Show BLOB Column Data, and Auto-Detect BLOB Images refer to.

The Grid display the rightmost display area (I'm saying it that way because its used for other things than grids) and Show CLOB Columns, Max CLOB Count, Show BLOB Columns, Max CHAR Display Width, CLOB Display Width and BLOB Display Width relate to this area.

So with EITHER Show BLOB Column Data OR Show BLOB Columns checked EDBManager will attempt to show the contents of the BLOB column in the grid or on the task pane or both depending on the settings.

Since EDBManager is simply a Delphi app it has to read the full BLOB data to attempt to display the first characters. That's the first cause of slowdown. The second is simply the time taken to display it.

Hope that makes thinks clearer.

Roy Lambert [Team Elevate]
Tue, Dec 8 2009 8:22 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


><< Does that mean there's a bit of a positive side to my hated NULL <>
>EmptyString thing? >>
>Unfortunately, this is a case where the distinction is a negative becase
>NULL <> Empty. If NULL=Empty, then Lucian could just look at the NULL flag
>to determine if the BLOB is empty. However, with EDB (and the SQL
>standard), a BLOB could be both non-NULL *and* empty.

I meant for me not Lucian Smiley ElevateDB will return a list faster for _Graphics IS NULL than _Graphics = ''

Roy Lambert
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