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Thread EDBMan and loading sql
Wed, Apr 25 2007 2:59 PMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


I've just saved two sql statements. Closed EDBMan, reopened it and loaded them. Interesting experience. On the second you end in a loop with the file open dialog.

Roy Lambert

ps I'm totally stuck on how to get a list of columns and a boolean/indicator of any type for wether the column has a text index associated with it. See my other post. Assistance before I go totally out of my skull welcome.
Wed, Apr 25 2007 3:48 PMPermanent Link

"Harry de Boer"

It seems that there are indeed some problems with loading/saving sql.
Strange enough I did not encounter the same as Roy but

- I can save ONLY ONE sql (got a save dialog) but I cannot in any way save a
second. In the status bar it just shows 'saved', but no dialog is shown. I
tried to see if maybe it was a modal window that appeared *behind* the
edmngr main form, but that did not happen to be the case. I have to close
edbmngr first (closing the db doesn't help). The problem remains (only one
at a time and then I have to close again)
- I can save a sql with no characters in the sql text window (minor)

Regards, Harry

"Roy Lambert" <roy.lambert@skynet.co.uk> schreef in bericht
> Tim
> I've just saved two sql statements. Closed EDBMan, reopened it and loaded
them. Interesting experience. On the second you end in a loop with the file
open dialog.
> Roy Lambert
> ps I'm totally stuck on how to get a list of columns and a
boolean/indicator of any type for wether the column has a text index
associated with it. See my other post. Assistance before I go totally out of
my skull welcome.

Fri, Apr 27 2007 9:12 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I've just saved two sql statements. Closed EDBMan, reopened it and loaded
them. Interesting experience. On the second you end in a loop with the file
open dialog. >>

I'm not sure what you mean by a "loop" ?  Do you mean that it just keeps
popping up, or that the application locks up ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Apr 27 2007 9:14 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< - I can save ONLY ONE sql (got a save dialog) but I cannot in any way
save a second. In the status bar it just shows 'saved', but no dialog is
shown. I tried to see if maybe it was a modal window that appeared *behind*
edmngr main form, but that did not happen to be the case. I have to close
edbmngr first (closing the db doesn't help). The problem remains (only one
at a time and then I have to close again) - I can save a sql with no
characters in the sql text window (minor) >>

The way the save/loading works is a little different than DBISAM's DBSYS.
To start a new SQL statement for loading/saving, you must click on the New
SQL task link first.  Each SQL statement has its own "space" in the SQL
cache, and so any saving or loading is specific to the SQL statement visible
at the time.  IOW, there isn't any "Save As" functionality without copying
and pasting the SQL into a new SQL statement.  The reason for this is that
we will be expanding the SQL cache functionality further, including keeping
the result sets for each statement separate (per Roy's request) and making
the SQL cache persistent across sessions.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Apr 27 2007 9:54 AMPermanent Link

Chris Erdal
"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote in

> Harry,
><< - I can save ONLY ONE sql (got a save dialog) but I cannot in any
> save a second. In the status bar it just shows 'saved', but no dialog
> is shown. I tried to see if maybe it was a modal window that appeared
> *behind* the
> edmngr main form, but that did not happen to be the case. I have to
> close edbmngr first (closing the db doesn't help). The problem remains
> (only one at a time and then I have to close again) - I can save a sql
> with no characters in the sql text window (minor) >>
> The way the save/loading works is a little different than DBISAM's
> DBSYS. To start a new SQL statement for loading/saving, you must click
> on the New SQL task link first.  Each SQL statement has its own
> "space" in the SQL cache, and so any saving or loading is specific to
> the SQL statement visible at the time.  IOW, there isn't any "Save As"
> functionality without copying and pasting the SQL into a new SQL
> statement.  The reason for this is that we will be expanding the SQL
> cache functionality further, including keeping the result sets for
> each statement separate (per Roy's request) and making the SQL cache
> persistent across sessions.


This goes against my way of using any text editor - I often load a file
and then do a "Save As" under a new name to start a similar text (SQL or

Your way means I've got to do a "Select all", Ctrl-C, close the current
SQL space, click New SQL task, and paste into it. A little clumsy, don't
you think?

Wouldn't it be possible to link "Save As" to the above sequence of
events, i.e. either:
(a) the previous SQL file name is replaced by the new one in the SQL
space and the result set is cleared, or
(b) a new SQL space is created with the current SQL copied over to it and
saved to the new file name, leaving the old SQL space intact?
(XP-Pro + Delphi 7 Architect + DBISAM 4.25 build 3 + EDB 1.00 build 6)
Mon, Apr 30 2007 3:49 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< This goes against my way of using any text editor - I often load a file
and then do a "Save As" under a new name to start a similar text (SQL or

Your way means I've got to do a "Select all", Ctrl-C, close the current SQL
space, click New SQL task, and paste into it. A little clumsy, don't you
think? >>

Yes, and no.  The workspace for the SQL statements may evolve quite a bit
more, so I'm not sure if a Save As scenario will still fit.  I'll have to do
some thinking on how the whole thing will work.

<< Wouldn't it be possible to link "Save As" to the above sequence of
events, i.e. either:
(a) the previous SQL file name is replaced by the new one in the SQL space
and the result set is cleared, or
(b) a new SQL space is created with the current SQL copied over to it and
saved to the new file name, leaving the old SQL space intact? >>

Sure, that would probably work just fine.  I'm thinking that option b) named
in such a way to indicate that a copy will be made would suffice.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Tue, May 1 2007 4:16 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


It just keep poping up

Roy Lambert
Wed, May 2 2007 11:37 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< It just keep poping up >>

Really bizarre.  I'll see if I can find anything here.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
