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Thread Problem dropping a temporary table in a memory database.
Sun, Feb 23 2014 11:08 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Cook

Aspect Systems Ltd



Can't work out why the following code fails.

I first drop a temporary table in a memory database then I try to create
another table with the same name.

First time through it works OK presumably because there is no table to drop.

The code is as below my signature.  ElevateDB v2.14 Build 2,  Delphi XE.



Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd


 ASLEDBUtils.TableDrop(apmDM.EDBMemory, sTempFileName);

 apmDM.EDBMemory.Execute('CREATE TABLE "' + sTempFileName + '" '
   + '( "TransNo" VARCHAR(6))'); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ERROR HERE!

where apmDM.EDBMemory is a TEDBDatabase pointing to a memorydatabase.
     sTempFileName is string containing a "unique" tablename.
// This code thanks to Peter Evans on the ElevateDB newsgroups
// with mods by me.

procedure TableDrop(const ThisDatabase: TEDBDatabase;
 const ThisTable: String; Temporary: Boolean = True);
 if TableExists(ThisDatabase, ThisTable, Temporary) then
   ThisDatabase.Execute('DROP TABLE "' + ThisTable + '"');

function TableExists(const ThisDatabase: TEDBDatabase;
 const ThisTable: String; Temporary: Boolean = True): Boolean;
 Result := False;
 if Temporary then
   if (ThisDatabase.Execute('SELECT * FROM Information.TemporaryTables '
     + 'WHERE "Name" = '
     + Engine.QuotedSQLStr(ThisTable))) = 1 then
     Result := True
   if (ThisDatabase.Execute('SELECT * FROM Information.Tables '
   + 'WHERE "Name" = ' + Engine.QuotedSQLStr(ThisTable))) = 1 then
   Result := True;

Debugger Exception Notification
Project apm.exe raised exception class EEDBException with
message 'ElevateDB Error #400 The table TEMP00001086 already
exists in the schema Default'.
Break   Continue   Help

Mon, Feb 24 2014 3:15 PMPermanent Link



I think you are confusing Memory tables with Temporary tables. As of v2.13, C/S Memory tables can be seen by all sessions using the same memory database. Temporary tables can only be seen by the session that created them. There are also TEMPORARY MEMORY tables, which I think you are trying to use.

But you are forgetting to use "Create TEMPORARY Table <Name>" when using your memory database. (You forgot to use "TEMPORARY" and as a result, you are creating shareable memory tables.) Then you check check the Information.TemporaryTables and of course the table will not appear there because it is not a temporary table.

Mon, Feb 24 2014 4:01 PMPermanent Link

Jeff Cook

Aspect Systems Ltd


<Barry> wrote in message
> But you are forgetting to use "Create TEMPORARY Table <Name>" when using
> your memory database. (You forgot to use "TEMPORARY" and as a result, you
> are creating shareable memory tables.) Then you check check the
> Information.TemporaryTables and of course the table will not appear there
> because it is not a temporary table.

Hi Barry

Many thanks!

That was it.  When I read your reply it was "YES! Of course!"  Wink Many
wasted hours staring at and stepping through _almost_ correct code!



Jeff Cook
Aspect Systems Ltd
