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Thread EDB Manager showing a weird "blank area" on the bottom of the screen
Mon, Jun 17 2024 6:41 AMPermanent Link

Adam Brett

Orixa Systems

I am seeing an area at the bottom of the screen which is not being used by EDB Manager, and is left as a white rectangle. I attach an image showing the situation.

I use a laptop with a 4k display. I think the high resolution of the display may be part of the reason for the issue I am seeing, but I am not sure what to do about it.

Is anyone else seeing this issue?
Is there any known fix?


Attachments: EDBMgr error.png
Mon, Jun 17 2024 7:11 AMPermanent Link

Roy Lambert

NLH Associates

Team Elevate Team Elevate


Never seen that but then I'm to poor to have a 4K screen Smiley

It could be the area for parameters /  Execution plan being shown

Roy Lambert
Wed, Jun 19 2024 1:11 PMPermanent Link

Adam Brett

Orixa Systems

Thanks Roy

It is definitely not part of the UI, it is literally a blank undrawn area of the canvas. It seems like the other parts of the app don't expect the size of that section to be above a certain limit, and so nothing is drawn.

It may be very specific to my installation of EDBMgr, but if others are seeing the issue I'll raise it as a bug.