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Thread DevEx Scheduler
Wed, Apr 9 2008 9:08 AMPermanent Link

Has anyone use the DevEx Scheduler with ElevateDB (client/server
preferably) and made a simple calendaring app? I would like to use the two
to make a little calendar thing for our office (4 people) but don't have
time to learn them. Do they even work nicely together?

/Matthew Jones/
Wed, Apr 9 2008 10:08 AMPermanent Link

Chris Holland

SEC Solutions Ltd.


Team Elevate Team Elevate

Hi Matthew,

I use the DevEx Scheduler in our software in find it works really well.

Basically I use the Scheduler as Database indepent by running some SQL
on the form load event and loading a List with the retrieved data and
linking that list to the Scheduler. Then I wrote some code attached to
the OnEdit events to display my on Edit dialog that wrote back to the
underlying data table.

Chris Holland

mattjones@cix.co.uk (Matthew Jones) wrote:
> Has anyone use the DevEx Scheduler with ElevateDB (client/server
> preferably) and made a simple calendaring app? I would like to use the two
> to make a little calendar thing for our office (4 people) but don't have
> time to learn them. Do they even work nicely together?
> /Matthew Jones/
Wed, Apr 9 2008 1:35 PMPermanent Link

That method probably suits integrating it into another app well, but I was
assuming that it could just be pointed at a TDataSet.

/Matthew Jones/
Thu, Apr 10 2008 2:12 AMPermanent Link

"Ron Grove"
It can be pointed to a dataset of course.  You just hook the
TcxSchedulerDBStorage component to your dataset.  He was just saying how he
implemented his data loading.  Here is a page on their website with some


Thu, Apr 10 2008 7:01 AMPermanent Link


/Matthew Jones/