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Thread ElevateDB Error #601
Sat, Apr 12 2008 10:24 PMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

I am receiving the following error when trying to delete records from a table within
EDBManager 1.09.1 (Unicode):

ElevateDB Error #601 The table TREAT is corrupt (Cannot find index page during retrieval
from cache)
If I repair the table I can then delete the records.

The particular records were added to the table via
INSERT INTO TREAT (field names...) VALUES (field values...)
using vs2008, EDB 1.9.1

Existing records in the table can be deleted with no error.
Inserting records using the same command within the EDBManager also does not give the
error - the records can be deleted.

What should I be looking for that may be causing this error?


Robin Joseph
Mon, Apr 14 2008 3:46 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< If I repair the table I can then delete the records. >>

So, are you saying that if you re-insert the rows via VS2008, then the
corruption error appears again ?

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Mon, Apr 14 2008 11:51 PMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

>So, are you saying that if you re-insert the rows via VS2008, then the
>corruption error appears again ?

Yes - checking further it only occurs if I use Local Access within vs2008 - I can't delete
from EDBManager in either Local or Remote, but if I Insert in vs2008 via Remote access I
can then delete in the EDBManager via either Local or remote.
Hope this helps.
I haven't checked as yet if it is only the one table that this occurs with but I will do
so soon.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Tue, Apr 15 2008 3:46 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Yes - checking further it only occurs if I use Local Access within
vs2008 - I can't delete from EDBManager in either Local or Remote, but if I
Insert in vs2008 via Remote access I can then delete in the EDBManager via
either Local or remote. Hope this helps. I haven't checked as yet if it is
only the one table that this occurs with but I will do
so soon. >>

Could you possibly send me the table and the VS code that you're using that
reproduces this ?  It would be immensely helpful if I could track this down
quickly, because it sounds like a very weird issue that may be

Tim Young
Elevate Software
