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Thread Keeping a Server Connection alive
Thu, Apr 17 2008 3:07 AMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

Using the EDB .net DataProvider.

For various reasons I am opening a connection to the EDBServer at the start of the program
and closing it when the program completes.
At present the connection to the server becomes disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity
by the program.
I have set Ping to true, and PingInterval to 60 in the connection string beforte opening
the connection but it still disconnects after 180 secs.

Does anyone know what else I need to do to keep the connection alive?


Robin Joseph
Thu, Apr 17 2008 3:53 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< For various reasons I am opening a connection to the EDBServer at the
start of the program and closing it when the program completes. At present
the connection to the server becomes disconnected after 3 minutes of
inactivity by the program. I have set Ping to true, and PingInterval to 60
in the connection string beforte opening the connection but it still
disconnects after 180 secs. >>

Is this with 1.09 B2 ?  What is the session timeout setting on the ElevateDB
Server ?  You can view it by stopping the server, selecting Edit Server
Options, and then clicking on the Sessions tab.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Thu, Apr 17 2008 6:28 PMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

Yes, also with 1.09B2. Timout is 180(Secs).
I also tried with setting the Timout in the connection string within vs2008.

The EDB Manager does not disconnect so I assume it is a VS situation.

Also it seems that I can only have five disconnected sessions and if I then try and
reconnect an exception is raised - Too many connections.
I am not using the C/S version.



"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" <timyoung@elevatesoft.com> wrote:


<< For various reasons I am opening a connection to the EDBServer at the
start of the program and closing it when the program completes. At present
the connection to the server becomes disconnected after 3 minutes of
inactivity by the program. I have set Ping to true, and PingInterval to 60
in the connection string beforte opening the connection but it still
disconnects after 180 secs. >>

Is this with 1.09 B2 ?  What is the session timeout setting on the ElevateDB
Server ?  You can view it by stopping the server, selecting Edit Server
Options, and then clicking on the Sessions tab.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Fri, Apr 18 2008 7:00 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Yes, also with 1.09B2. Timout is 180(Secs).
I also tried with setting the Timout in the connection string within

The EDB Manager does not disconnect so I assume it is a VS situation. >>

Yep, the issue is that the data provider is not defaulting the pinging
settings properly.  The workaround is to set them explicitly via the PING
and PINGINTERVAL connection string settings, and that should work just fine.

<<  Also it seems that I can only have five disconnected sessions and if I
then try and reconnect an exception is raised - Too many connections.  I am
not using the C/S version. >>

Yes, the STD versions are limited to 5 sessions on the ElevateDB Server.
This is a bit of a change from DBISAM, whereby the counts were done on
concurrent connections, not sessions, and it has to do with the way session
counts are handled with ElevateDB.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Fri, Apr 18 2008 8:13 AMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

>Yep, the issue is that the data provider is not defaulting the pinging
>settings properly.  The workaround is to set them explicitly via the PING
>and PINGINTERVAL connection string settings, and that should work just fine.

I suspect that I do not understand what you mean here - I build the connection string
using the
EDBConnectionStringBuilder StBuilder
stBuilder.Ping = true;
stBuilder.PingInterval = 30;

Then convert the stBuilder to the connection string (EDBConnStr = stBuilder.ToString())
that I use in
new EDBConnection(EDBConnStr);

The connection still disconnects after 180 secs


Fri, Apr 18 2008 10:23 AMPermanent Link

Robin Joseph

Don't worry - Build 3 solves the problem - thanks

