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Thread Possible bug in EDBManager 1.09 B2?
Thu, Apr 17 2008 8:43 AMPermanent Link

Uli Becker
I just installed 1.09 Build2.

Not I am not able to change a stored procedure in EDBManager. Even without changing
anything it says:

ElevateDB Error #700 An error was found in the statement at line 79 and column 1 (Expected
end of expression but instead found DESCRIPTION)

when hitting the ok-button.

Line 79 column1 is beyond the last END.

After reinstalling EDBManager 1.09 B1 everything is ok.

Regards Uli
Thu, Apr 17 2008 4:17 PMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< Not I am not able to change a stored procedure in EDBManager. Even
without changing anything it says: >>

Yep, it's a bug caused by the new checks for ends of routines/statements.
It doesn't expect there to be a DESCRIPTION after the routine.  I will get a
new build out tonight - there's another server session disconnect issue that
needs corrected immediately.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
