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Thread Checking User / Role privilege
Sat, Jul 24 2010 6:11 AMPermanent Link

Ian Turner


I am trying to check from within my Delphi program whether the current-user has a specific privilege for a specific table. There doesn't appear to be any easy way to do this other than to set up queries to get all the roles for the current user and then check each role and the user to see if the privilege has been granted.

Have I missed a nice simple function to do this or is that the only way to get the information?

Many thanks,
Ian Turner
Sat, Jul 24 2010 10:23 AMPermanent Link

Tim Young [Elevate Software]

Elevate Software, Inc.


Email timyoung@elevatesoft.com


<< I am trying to check from within my Delphi program whether the
current-user has a specific privilege for a specific table. There doesn't
appear to be any easy way to do this other than to set up queries to get all
the roles for the current user and then check each role and the user to see
if the privilege has been granted.

Have I missed a nice simple function to do this or is that the only way to
get the information? >>

Currently, yes.  I'll add this as a suggestion to add an Information schema
table for effective privileges for the current user.

Tim Young
Elevate Software
Sat, Jul 24 2010 10:33 AMPermanent Link

Ian Turner

"Tim Young [Elevate Software]" wrote:


<< I am trying to check from within my Delphi program whether the
current-user has a specific privilege for a specific table. There doesn't
appear to be any easy way to do this other than to set up queries to get all
the roles for the current user and then check each role and the user to see
if the privilege has been granted.

Have I missed a nice simple function to do this or is that the only way to
get the information? >>

Currently, yes.  I'll add this as a suggestion to add an Information schema
table for effective privileges for the current user.

Tim Young
Elevate Software

Thanks Tim. That wolud be a very useful addition.
