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Thread Events in a TBrowser component
Sun, May 19 2024 7:18 AMPermanent Link


Hi everybody,

I am using TBrowser component to load some js through the DocumentText property which shows perfectly, is there a way to get access to events happening inside the TBrowser component, e.g., selection or clicks, etc.


Sun, May 19 2024 8:46 AMPermanent Link



George wrote:
> I am using TBrowser component to load some js through the DocumentText property
> which shows perfectly, is there a way to get access to events happening inside the TBrowser
>component, e.g., selection or clicks, etc.

The Browser uses a standard HTML IFRAME, you can read up on them here:

You can send events to an IFRAME, but I'm not aware of how you can read events unless you also coded the IFRAME's web page and intentionally message the owning application.  I could be wrong about that.

Note: A lot of sites set a flag which tells your browser to not display its content inside an IFRAME..

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