Icon New Incident Reports for 2.00

The following is a list of the new incidents reported for version 2.00. Click on the incident # in order to view the details of the incident report.

Serious Problems

1537Delphi Internal Package Naming Inconsistent with Package File NamesNo
1538UpgradeTable Method of TDBISAMTable AVs when Run Against Encrypted TablesYes
1539UpgradeTable Method and Several Properties Could Fail with Invalid Path or File Name ErrorNo
1540Locate Method Not Working Properly when Current Record is at the End of the TableNo
1541Changing the IndexName Property Between Natural Order and Secondary Index Causes AVNo
1542BDETRAN Utility and Other Utilities Were the Incorrect BuildsNo
1543InternalGotoBookmark Method of TDBISAMDataSet Component Improperly Raising Record Not Found ErrorNo

Minor Problems

