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Home » Technical Support » Elevate Web Builder Technical Support » Incident Reports » New Incident Reports for 2.06 |
Build | # | Title | Workarounds |
1 | 4509 | Loading a Form Containing a TScrollPanel with Small Dimensions Can Cause IDE Lockup | No |
1 | 4511 | THTMLLabel Control Does Not Allow MouseWheel Scrolling | No |
1 | 4515 | TGrid Control Leaving Cell Selections Visible When Touch Scrolling | No |
1 | 4516 | TGrid DeleteRow Method Causes Error When Grid is Unbound and AlwaysShowControls is True | No |
1 | 4517 | TEdit Controls with InputType Set to itEmail Cause Error When Focused on Mobile | No |
1 | 4518 | ADO Connections Can Experience Fatal Errors in the EWB Web Server | No |
1 | 4520 | Including Quote Character in the Application Title Causes Invalid String to Be Included in Source | No |
1 | 4521 | Hiding the Currently-Focused Item Before a TMenu Control Is Shown Causes Error | No |
1 | 4522 | Issues with Emitted JavaScript Code with Certain Complex Unit Dependencies | No |
1 | 4523 | Web Server Not Handling Certain Unicode Characters Properly when Decoding/Encoding as URL Values | No |
2 | 4532 | Deleting a Database in the Database Manager Does Not Delete the Contained DataSets Properly | No |
2 | 4533 | Input Controls Lose Cursor When Application Run in Firefox | No |
2 | 4535 | Removing a Unit from a Project via the Project Manager Doesn't Work if Unit Closed | Yes |
3 | 4538 | Touch Events Not Firing on iPhone/iOS Devices | No |
3 | 4541 | Output of LogOutput Calls Not Appearing Properly in the IDE Messages View | No |
4 | 4548 | Popup Menus on Modal Dialogs/Forms Are Displaying Behind the Top-Most Dialog/Form | No |
4 | 4555 | DEFINE Compiler Directives Not Being Handled Correctly Within Other IFDEF Compiler Directives | No |
4 | 4556 | Leaving the Collection Editor Open in the IDE Can Cause Incorrect Event Names | Yes |
4 | 4558 | Creating and Loading a Form at Run-Time Can Cause Existing Forms to Experience Property Resets | No |
5 | 4567 | Problems with Inertia Scrolling When Switching Between ScrollBars and Touch Scrolling | No |
5 | 4570 | Compiler Not Resolving Function Reference Properly When Overloaded Function Declared After Reference | Yes |
5 | 4571 | Invalid Typecasts Not Causing Compilation Error | Yes |
5 | 4572 | TDataColumn OnGetText Event Handler is Triggered at Inappropriate Times | Yes |
5 | 4573 | Calling the TEWBServerRequest ComputeHash Method Twice Causes Corrupted or Blank Data to Be Returned | No |
6 | 4578 | The TEditControl SelectionStart/SelectionEnd Properties are Documented Incorrectly | No |
7 | 4581 | TServerRequestQueue Requests Not Returning Correct Response Headers in IOS 11 Safari | No |
8 | 4583 | Drop-Down List Controls Containing a Blank Item Can Experience Clearing of Selected Value | No |
9 | 4588 | Changing TButtonComboBox Sorted Property to True at Design-Time Causes Internal Error | No |
9 | 4589 | Clicking on an Item with an Attached Sub-Menu in a Menu Does Nothing | No |
10 | 4595 | Emitted Javascript for Virtual and Overridden Methods Depending Upon Uses Clause Ordering | No |
10 | 4596 | Compiler Cannot Compile Multi-Dimensional Array Initialization Using SetLength | No |
10 | 4597 | Web Server Database Module Example Project Experiences ElevateDB Property Error When Loaded | No |
10 | 4598 | Adding Web Server Modules via the IDE or Web Server Configuration Results in Incorrect .INI Entry | No |
10 | 4599 | Emitted JavaScript Initialization/Finalization Identifiers Can Conflict with Existing Functions | Yes |
10 | 4600 | Compiler Allows Access to Instance Variables/Methods/Properties from Class Methods | No |
10 | 4601 | Custom Components that Try to Set the Length of a Character Value Experience Design-Time Error | No |
11 | 4612 | TEWBDataSetAdapter does not Include Support for the ftFMTBCD Field Type | No |
11 | 4624 | Compiler Not Allowing Scoped Instance Member Access from within Class Methods | No |
11 | 4625 | TPanel ScrollBars Not Appearing Properly | No |
11 | 4627 | TGridColumn with ControlType set to ctHTML and Wrap Property set to True Not Displaying Properly | No |
11 | 4628 | Including an Implementation-Only Function with the Same Name as a Class Method Causes Compile Error | No |
11 | 4629 | Assigning to the FormatSettings ShortDateFormat Property During Initialization Causes Design Error | No |
11 | 4631 | Removal of TEdit Active Selection Not Working Correctly when Navigating to Other Controls | No |
11 | 4634 | Passing Function References as Parameters Can Result in Invalid Compiler Errors | Yes |
11 | 4635 | TimeToStr and StrToTime Functions Not Handling 12 AM and PM Values Properly | No |
11 | 4636 | Unary Operators Can Cause Incorrect JavaScript to be Emitted When Combined with Binary Operators | Yes |
11 | 4637 | DataSets Not Handling Daylight Savings Time Properly for Date/Times in the Past | No |
12 | 4642 | EWB Web Server Does Not Include the Proper Version Information | No |
12 | 4643 | Assigned Function Not Returning Correct Results in Boolean Expressions | No |
12 | 4644 | Using the Mouse Wheel to Scroll List Controls Causes the Browser Viewport to Scroll | No |
12 | 4645 | TwoDigitCenturyWindow Date Format Setting Not Being Used Properly with Two-Digit Years | No |
13 | 4646 | Data-Bound Controls Not Loading Data Properly after DataSet is Loaded | No |
14 | 4648 | Exceptions Can Be Raised when Loading Forms that Contain Grids that Reference Non-Existent Columns | No |
14 | 4649 | Using Characters for Default Values for Arrays of Strings Can Cause Incorrect Compiler Errors | Yes |
14 | 4651 | Changing the THTMLForm Encoding Property Does Not Change the Actual Form Data Encoding | No |
14 | 4652 | Assignments to the TCalendar and TDateEditComboBox Text Properties Resulting in Incorrect Dates | No |
14 | 4653 | Updating the Background Image SizeType or RepeatStyle Properties Does Not Work with Image Data | No |
14 | 4655 | Time Values Not Sorting Correctly when New Row Inserted into TDataSet Instance | No |
15 | 4663 | DBISAM DataSet SQL that Contains LIKE Wilcard Conditions with ANDs Can Cause Incorrect Results | No |
16 | 4668 | Storing BCD Values in DBISAM DataSet Fields Results in Improper Rounding/Storage | No |
16 | 4669 | Date/Times Not Being Localized Properly During DataSet Load Operations | No |
17 | 4670 | Dates Still Not Being Localized Correctly | No |
17 | 4671 | Intrinsic Data Conversion Functions Throwing Strings Instead of Objects for Exceptions | No |
18 | 4689 | Using Non-Idempotent Function Calls in Case Statements Can Cause Incorrect Results | No |
18 | 4700 | Changing Project Output Path to Relative Path Beneath Project Root Directory Causes 404 Error in IDE | Yes |
18 | 4701 | Using External Fonts Can Cause AutoSizing Issues During Loading/Initial Display of Application | No |
18 | 4702 | iOS 12 Scrolling Not Working Correctly Due to Default Passive Events Implementation on Safari | No |
18 | 4705 | Calling the Random Function with Parameter Values of 0 Causes Incorrect Results | No |
18 | 4706 | Using a Custom Port for an External Web Server Incorrectly Forces HTTP Protocol | No |
Build | # | Title | Workarounds |
1 | 4496 | TPanel Controls Not Resetting Layout Stretch Property When Dragged | No |
1 | 4505 | External Interface Incorrect for TEvent.stopPropagation Method in the WebDOM Unit | No |
1 | 4510 | TSizer Height/Width Properties Reset When Orientation Property Loaded | No |
1 | 4512 | Embedded Forms Not Loading Intra-Form Component References Properly When Created Dynamically | No |
1 | 4513 | Floating-Point Numbers Incorrectly Allowed to Contain Both Positive and Negative Signs for Exponents | No |
1 | 4514 | TPanel Control Interface Contains Incorrect ApplyProperties Setting for Border | No |
1 | 4519 | Selected Cells for Links in TGrid Control Hard to Read for Desktop Control Interfaces | No |
2 | 4534 | TIconButton Enabled Property Not Published | No |
2 | 4536 | Forward/Back Buttons Not Working Correctly in TCalendar Control When Calendar is Certain Size | No |
2 | 4537 | Closing a Modal Form with No Other Visible Forms Can Cause Run-Time Error | No |
3 | 4539 | Cannot Use Data-URL Images in Grid Columns with ControlType Set to ctImage | No |
3 | 4540 | Removing Menu Items from a TMenuItem OnClick Event Handler Can Cause Error | No |
4 | 4552 | OnCaptionBarDblClick Event Not Firing for TPanel/TDialog if AllowMove Property Set to True | No |
4 | 4557 | Touch Events Not Working Correctly in the Embedded Browser in the IDE | No |
5 | 4568 | Invalid Component Instance Names Generated When Class Name Begins with Invalid Character | No |
5 | 4569 | Adding a Component that Fails to Call Inherited Constructor Causes AV in the IDE During Shutdown | No |
5 | 4574 | Read-Only TGrid Control Does Not Allow Programmatic Row Append/Insert/Delete Operations | No |
6 | 4579 | TListBox Control KeyPressInterval Property Not Exhibiting Consistent Delay | No |
6 | 4580 | Setting TGrid DataSet Property to DataSet Containing Columns with ftUnknown Type Causes Error | No |
10 | 4602 | TGrid Columns Not Using Assigned Font Style When Displaying Grid Cells | No |
11 | 4626 | Selected TButtonComboBox Value Changes after a Short Period of Time | No |
11 | 4630 | Rebuilding the Component Library with a Standalone Form Open Can Cause AV | No |
11 | 4632 | Assigning a Variant Array Element to a Typed Variable Results in a Compiler Error | Yes |
11 | 4633 | Using the $ Character in Certain Ways Can Cause a Source Parsing Error | Yes |
14 | 4650 | Space Bar Not Working for Toggling Check Box Columns in TGrid Control | No |
14 | 4654 | Documentation for ArcTan2 Function Incorrect | No |
18 | 4691 | Comparing an Enumerated Type to an Enumerated Type Member Causes Compiler Access Violation | No |
18 | 4703 | Table of Sorting Functions Incorrect for the TStringList Sorting Properties and Methods | No |
18 | 4704 | Minimizing the TPanel Control Doesn't Work Properly When AutoSize.Height is True | No |
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