Icon GetServerConfig Method

void __fastcall GetServerConfig(bool &DenyLogins, System::Word
      &MaxConnections, System::Word &ConnectTimeout, System::Word
      &DeadSessionInterval, System::Word &DeadSessionExpires,
      System::Word &MaxDeadSessions, System::UnicodeString
      &TempDirectory, Classes::TStrings* AuthorizedAddresses,
      Classes::TStrings* BlockedAddresses)


Call the GetServerConfig method to retrieve the current configuration settings for a database server. Please see the ModifyServerConfig method for more information on the parameters returned from this method.

Information This method is only valid when the engine is running as a database server and the EngineType is set to etServer. Also, if the maximum number of connections returned via this method is lower than what was attempted to be configured via the ModifyServerConfig method, the ServerLicensedConnections property has caused it to be lowered.