Icon Sort Method

procedure Sort(const SortFields: String; const DescSortFields:
      String; Options: TEWBSortOptions)

Use this method to sort the dataset.

The SortFields parameter is a semicolon-delimited (;) list of all fields that should be involved in the sort. By default, all sorted fields are sorted in ascending order.

The DescSortFields parameter is a semicolon-delimited (;) list of all fields in the SortFields parameter that should be sorted in descending order instead of ascending order.

The Options parameter specifies any sort options for the sort. Currently, there is only one option that allows you to specify that any string fields involved in the sort should be sorted in a case-insensitive manner.

Information The Sort method only needs to be called once. After that point, any row operations will automatically maintain the active sort.

You can use the ClearSort method to remove the active sort.