Icon StoreActive Property

__property bool StoreActive


Use the StoreActive property to determine if the ElevateDB engine should store the current value of its Active property, and subsequently, the Active/Connected property values of all other ElevateDB components such as the TEDBDatabase, TEDBTable, TEDBQuery, and TEDBStoredProc components, in the owner form or data module. The default value for this property is True.

Setting this property to False will ensure that you never run into the situation where the TEDBEngine component's Active property is automatically set to True (its design-time state) when the owning form/data module is created at runtime. This is a common problem when a developer is working with the ElevateDB components at design-time, and then compiles the application with one or more of the ElevateDB components' Active/Connected property set to True. The end result is usually many ElevateDB runtime errors caused by the fact that the ElevateDB engine has not been configured for the target machine and operating system, but rather is still configured for the developer's machine and operating system.