Icon EDBCommandTextType Enumeration

The EDBCommandTextType enumeration is used to indicate what type of command is currently specified via the CommandText property of an EDBCommand instance when the CommandType property is set to Text.

Namespace: Elevate.ElevateDB.Data

EmptyIndicates that the current command text is empty.
SelectIndicates that the current command text is a SELECT statement.
InsertIndicates that the current command text is an INSERT statement.
UpdateIndicates that the current command text is an UPDATE statement.
DeleteIndicates that the current command text is a DELETE statement.
CreateDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE DATABASE statement.
CreateUserIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE USER statement.
CreateRoleIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE ROLE statement.
CreateJobIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE JOB statement.
CreateStoreIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE STORE statement.
CreateModuleIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE MODULE statement.
CreateTextFilterIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE TEXT FILTER statement.
CreateWordGeneratorIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE WORD GENERATOR statement.
CreateMigratorIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE MIGRATOR statement.
CreateTableIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE TABLE statement.
CreateViewIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE VIEW statement.
CreateIndexIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE INDEX statement.
CreateTriggerIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE TRIGGER statement.
CreateTextIndexIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE TEXT INDEX statement.
CreateFunctionIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE FUNCTION statement.
CreateProcedureIndicates that the current command text is a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
DropDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a DROP DATABASE statement.
DropUserIndicates that the current command text is a DROP USER statement.
DropRoleIndicates that the current command text is a DROP ROLE statement.
DropJobIndicates that the current command text is a DROP JOB statement.
DropStoreIndicates that the current command text is a DROP STORE statement.
DropModuleIndicates that the current command text is a DROP MODULE statement.
DropTextFilterIndicates that the current command text is a DROP TEXT FILTER statement.
DropWordGeneratorIndicates that the current command text is a DROP WORD GENERATOR statement.
DropMigratorIndicates that the current command text is a DROP MIGRATOR statement.
DropTableIndicates that the current command text is a DROP TABLE statement.
DropViewIndicates that the current command text is a DROP VIEW statement.
DropIndexIndicates that the current command text is a DROP INDEX statement.
DropTriggerIndicates that the current command text is a DROP TRIGGER statement.
DropFunctionIndicates that the current command text is a DROP FUNCTION statement.
DropProcedureIndicates that the current command text is a DROP PROCEDURE statement.
AlterDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER DATABASE statement.
AlterUserIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER USER statement.
AlterRoleIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER ROLE statement.
AlterJobIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER JOB statement.
AlterStoreIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER STORE statement.
AlterModuleIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER MODULE statement.
AlterTextFilterIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER TEXT FILTER statement.
AlterWordGeneratorIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER WORD GENERATOR statement.
AlterMigratorIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER MIGRATOR statement.
AlterTableIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER TABLE statement.
AlterViewIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER VIEW statement.
AlterIndexIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER INDEX statement.
AlterTriggerIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER TRIGGER statement.
AlterFunctionIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER FUNCTION statement.
AlterProcedureIndicates that the current command text is an ALTER PROCEDURE statement.
RenameDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME DATABASE statement.
RenameUserIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME USER statement.
RenameRoleIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME ROLE statement.
RenameJobIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME JOB statement.
RenameStoreIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME STORE statement.
RenameModuleIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME MODULE statement.
RenameTextFilterIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME TEXT FILTER statement.
RenameWordGeneratorIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME WORD GENERATOR statement.
RenameMigratorIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME MIGRATOR statement.
RenameTableIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME TABLE statement.
RenameViewIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME VIEW statement.
RenameIndexIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME INDEX statement.
RenameTriggerIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME TRIGGER statement.
RenameFunctionIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME FUNCTION statement.
RenameProcedureIndicates that the current command text is an RENAME PROCEDURE statement.
GrantIndicates that the current command text is a GRANT PRIVILEGES or GRANT ROLES statement.
RevokeIndicates that the current command text is a REVOKE PRIVILEGES or REVOKE ROLES statement.
RepairTableIndicates that the current command text is a REPAIR TABLE statement.
VerifyTableIndicates that the current command text is a VERIFY TABLE statement.
OptimizeTableIndicates that the current command text is an OPTIMIZE TABLE statement.
EmptyTableIndicates that the current command text is an EMPTY TABLE statement.
ExportTableIndicates that the current command text is an EXPORT TABLE statement.
ImportTableIndicates that the current command text is an IMPORT TABLE statement.
SetBackupsStoreIndicates that the current command text is a SET BACKUPS STORE statement.
BackupDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a BACKUP DATABASE statement.
RestoreDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a RESTORE DATABASE statement.
SetUpdatesStoreIndicates that the current command text is a SET UPDATES STORE statement.
SaveDatabaseUpdatesIndicates that the current command text is a SAVE UPDATES statement.
LoadDatabaseUpdatesIndicates that the current command text is a LOAD UPDATES statement.
PublishDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a PUBLISH DATABASE statement.
UnpublishDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is an UNPUBLISH DATABASE statement.
MigrateDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a MIGRATE DATABASE statement.
DisconnectServerSessionIndicates that the current command text is a DISCONNECT SERVER SESSION statement.
RemoveServerSessionIndicates that the current command text is a REMOVE SERVER SESSION statement.
SetFilesStoreIndicates that the current command text is a SET FILES STORE statement.
CopyFileIndicates that the current command text is a COPY FILE statement.
RenameFileIndicates that the current command text is a RENAME FILE statement.
DeleteFileIndicates that the current command text is a DELETE FILE statement.
SetInformationCollateIndicates that the current command text is a SET INFORMATION COLLATE statement.
CompareDatabaseIndicates that the current command text is a COMPARE DATABASE statement.
ScriptIndicates that the current command text is a script.