Icon EDBException Class

The EDBException class is used to create an instance of an exception object whenever an ElevateDB error occurs. You will find a list of all of the ElevateDB error codes in the Appendix A - Error Codes and Messages topic.

Namespace: Elevate.ElevateDB.Data

Inherits From System.Data.Common.DbException


(Msg: String; Inner: Exception)

ErrorMsg: StringIndicates the error message that gives further information on the exception.

Information This property is always set for every exception.
ErrorLine: Int32Indicates the line of text in that the current exception applies to.

Information This property may or may not be set depending upon the exception being raised.
ErrorColumn: Int32Indicates the column of text in that the current exception applies to.

Information This property may or may not be set depending upon the exception being raised.