Icon Application Compatibility

Supported Applications
The ElevateDB ODBC driver is an ODBC level 3 driver. We have tested the driver successfully with Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.7 or higher and the following applications:

ApplicationVersions and Notes
Crystal Reports8.5 and later
Microsoft Office2000 and later

Microsoft Access has problems with using an auto-increment field as part of the primary index since the Jet engine cannot "discover" the keys properly when they are not populated explicitly by the client application.
Microsoft Visio2000 and later
Borland Database Engine (BDE)5.01 and later

With the BDE there are problems with using an auto-increment field as part of the primary index since the BDE cannot "discover" the keys properly when they are not populated explicitly by the client application.
ADOExpressDelphi 5 or later

Only use a CursorLocation property of clUseClient. Server-side cursors do not work properly since the OLE layer deems dynamic cursors as not being capable of handling bookmark operations, even though such cursors can handle bookmark operations in ElevateDB.
ODBCExpress5.06 and later
Microsoft ASP5 and later

It is recommended that you only use the ODBCDirect functionality in ASP and not the ADO->OLEDB->ODBC bridge driver through the ADO functionality. The bridge driver does not function correctly in most cases.
Microsoft Visual Basic6 and later

It is recommended that you only use the ODBCDirect functionality in VB 6 and not the ADO->OLEDB->ODBC bridge driver through the ADO functionality. The bridge driver does not function correctly in most cases.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET2002 and later

It is recommended that you only use the ODBC.NET data provider with any .NET application (VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#, Delphi.NET, Chrome). Also, since the ODBC.NET data provider is accessing and using unmanaged resources and handles in the ODBC driver during operation, you should always call the Dispose method for any ODBCConnection, ODBCCommand, ODBCCommandBuilder, or ODBCDataAdapter objects when you are done using them (deterministic destruction). Failure to do so can cause major failures in the driver due to the resources and handles being freed up re-entrantly when the .NET garbage collector thread finalizes these objects.

Missing Features
There are still a few features and function calls missing from the driver, but they should not affect most environments. These missing features are:

- Support for bulk operations (SQLBulkOperations call)

- Support for working directly with descriptors (SQLSetDescRec, SQLGetDescRec, and SQLCopyDesc calls)

- Support for setting and getting cursor names (SQLGetCursorName and SQLSetCursorName calls)

More Information
The driver can completely handle all updating of data via SQL statements and the SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect calls, including BLOB data. Parameters are also completely supported, including BLOB parameters.

The driver provides scrollable cursor support via SQLFetchScroll and SQLExtendedFetch. The only two types of scrollable cursors supported are Static and Dynamic. Keyset-Driven cursors are not supported.

The driver cannot perform positioned updates using the SQL syntax WHERE CURRENT OF and using the SQLSetCursorName and SQLGetCursorName calls. This functionality is not supported in ElevateDB.

Even though the driver supports parameter arrays, you cannot request multiple result sets with the SQLMoreResults call. This is not supported in ElevateDB.

Any ODBC application that calls the SQLNumResultCols, SQLDescribeCol, or SQLColAttribute functions while a statement is prepared, but not executed, will force ElevateDB to execute the query in order to retrieve this result set information. ElevateDB does not support retrieving result set information until a SELECT statement is executed.