Renames the specified file to a new file name in the same store.
RENAME FILE <FileName> IN STORE <StoreName>
TO <FileName>
UsageUse this statement to rename the specified file in the specified store to a new file in the same store. The store may be either local or remote. The store must have already been created using the CREATE STORE statement.
-- This example renames an update file
-- in a local store called OutUpdates
RENAME FILE "AccountingDB-Updates-2007-03-12.EDBUpd" IN "STORE OutUpdates"
TO "AcctUpdatersdelphiuni20070312.EDBUpd"
Required PrivilegesThe current user must be granted the ALTER privilege on the store in which the file is being renamed. Please see the User Security topic for more information.
SQL 2003 Standard DeviationsThis statement deviates from the SQL 2003 standard in the following ways: