Icon SessionStatistics Table

CREATE TABLE "SessionStatistics"
"SessionID" INTEGER,
"SessionName" VARCHAR(40) COLLATE "ANSI_CI",
"DatabaseName" VARCHAR(40) COLLATE "ANSI_CI",
"MaxBufferSize" INTEGER,
"CurrentBufferSize" INTEGER,
"Hits" BIGINT,
"Misses" BIGINT,
"HitRatio" DECIMAL(19,2),
"Reads" BIGINT,
"BytesRead" BIGINT,
"Writes" BIGINT,
"BytesWritten" BIGINT

CREATE INDEX "SessionID" ON "SessionStatistics"
CREATE INDEX "SessionName" ON "SessionStatistics"

CREATE INDEX "DatabaseName" ON "SessionStatistics"

CREATE INDEX "TableName" ON "SessionStatistics"

This table reflects the table buffer manager statistics for all of the sessions that are present in the ElevateDB engine. This information is useful in determining how efficient the ElevateDB engine is with respect to I/O, and also how much I/O is actually taking place. For example, a large number of reads for the row buffer manager for a table may indicate that you have an un-optimized query or filter present in your application that is causing an inordinate number of row reads. The current user must be granted the system-defined Administrators role in order to view this table. Please see the User Security topic for more information.

The BufferMgr column values are as follows:

RowThe statistics are for the row buffer manager for the table
Index pageThe statistics are for the index page buffer manager for the table
BLOB blockThe statistics are for the BLOB block buffer manager for the table
Published updates log blockThe statistics are for the published updates log block buffer manager for the table

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