Icon Web Server Logging

The web server implements two different types of logging:

Log TypeDescription
HTTP RequestLogs basic information about all HTTP requests and responses.
SystemLogs extensive information about all authentication and administration requests, the execution of any dataset commands that have been configured to have their execution logged, and any errors that occur during the execution of any server applications or native server modules.

Please see the Configuring the Web Server topic for more information on how to enable or disable either type of logging, as well as how to configure the directory where the log files are stored.

HTTP Request Logging
By default, the HTTP request logging is enabled in the web server and outputs a daily log of all HTTP requests in the CSV (comma-separated value) format into the following log directory:

<Log Directory>\Request

The file name is formatted using a 4-digit year, a 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day:


Each HTTP request occupies a single line in the .csv log file followed by a CR-LF line terminator. The format of each line in the log is as follows:

Date-TimeThe date/time of the request as a string in HTTP header date/time format (RFC2616).
Client IP AddressThe IP address of the user agent making the request as a string.
ProtocolThe protocol of the request (HTTP or HTTPS) as a string.
HostThe Host request header for the request as a string.
VersionThe HTTP version of the request as a string (should always be "HTTP/1.1").
MethodThe HTTP method as a string.
URLThe request URL as a string.
User AgentThe User-Agent request header for the request as a string.
RefererThe Referer request header for the request as a string.
Content TypeThe Content-Type request header for the request as a string.
Content LengthThe Content-Length request header for the request as an integer.
Execution TimeThe execution time, in milliseconds, of the request as an integer.
Information The execution time includes all processing up to, but not including, the actual sending of the response to the request.
Response StatusThe HTTP status code of the response as an integer.
Response Status MessageThe HTTP status message of the response as a string.
Response Content TypeThe Content-Type response header as a string.
Response Content LengthThe Content-Length response header as an integer.

System Logging
By default, the system logging is enabled in the web server and outputs a daily log of all web server events in the JSON format into the following log directory:

<Log Directory>\System

The file name is formatted using a 4-digit year, a 2-digit month, and a 2-digit day:


Each logged event occupies a single line in the .elog log file followed by a CR-LF line terminator. Each line in the log is formatted as a standalone JSON object with the following properties:

TimeThe date/time of the web server event in ISO 8601 format as a string.
CategoryThe category of the web server event as a string: "Info", "Warning" or "Error".
IDThe ID of the web server event as a string.
DetailsThe details of the web server event as a nested JSON object. The details logged are specific to each web server event.

Warning The format of the system log files is non-standard for JSON files, which is why the web server uses the .elog extension instead of the .json extension for the log files. The system log files are formatted this way in order to avoid an outer JSON object in the file that would make reading of a log file problematic while that same log file was also concurrently being written to.