Icon TLogEventType

Header File: dbisamtb

enum TLogEventType { leNone, leServerStart, leServerStop,
      leConnect, leReconnect, leDisconnect, leLogin, leLogout,
      leDeadSession, leNoSession, leAddressBlock, leMaxConnect,
      leInvalidLogin, leLoginDenied, leConfiguration, leScheduledEvent,
       leEncryptionMismatch, leVersionMismatch }

This type is used as part of the TLogRecord parameter to the TDBISAMEngine OnServerLogEvent event to determine the type of log entry that is being logged for the server.

leAddressBlockIndicates that a session could not connect to the database server because the IP address of the connecting session had been blocked in the server configuration.
leConfigurationIndicates that a there was an issue with either loading or saving the configuration file to or from disk.
leConnectIndicates that a session connected successfully to the database server.
leDeadSessionIndicates that a dead session was removed or that there was a problem encountered while removing a dead session.
leDisconnectIndicates that a session disconnected or was disconnected by the server due to a connection timeout.
leEncryptionMismatchIndicates that a session's connection isn't encrypted and the DBISAM Database Server requires encrypted connections.
leInvalidLoginIndicates that a session attempted to login using an invalid user name and/or password.
leLoginIndicates that a session logged in successfully.
leLoginDeniedIndicates that a session attempted to login but was rejected because the database server was configured to deny any new logins.
leLogoutIndicates that a session logged out successfully from the database server.
leMaxConnectIndicates that a session could not connect to the database server because the maximum number of connections in the server configuration would have been exceeded.
leNoneIndicates that the database server could not determine the type of log entry.
leNoSessionIndicates that a session could not re-connect to the database server because the session ID specified in the reconnect request was not valid. This is most likely due to it being removed as part of the dead session cleanup process.
leReconnectIndicates that a session re-connected successfully to the database server.
leScheduledEventIndicates that a scheduled event has been started or completed, or that there was an error during the execution of a scheduled event.
leServerStartIndicates that the database server has been started or that an error was encountered while starting the server.
leServerStopIndicates that the database server has been stopped or that an error was encountered while stopping the server.
leVersionMismatchIndicates that a session's major version of DBISAM does not match that of the major version of the DBISAM Database Server.