Icon Frequently Asked Questions

I have some DBISAM table files, but I do not know which major version of DBISAM created them. How do I find out which major version of DBISAM created them ?

Please complete the following steps:
  • Download and install the latest DBISAM Additional Software and Utilities installation here:

    DBISAM Downloads

    Information Registration and login to the web site is required.

  • After installing the DBISAM Additional Software and Utilities, start the Database System Utility via the Windows Start menu.

  • In the Database System Utility, select the Utilities option and then select the Table Version option. In the table selection dialog, select or enter the database directory where the table files are located, and then select the tables for which you wish to retrieve version information. Finally, click on the Select button to complete the operation. A dialog will be presented that will list the selected tables along with the major version of DBISAM that was used to create them.